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The Full Story

Artist Statement 

Born towards the end of the 90s Diana Delgado was part of the young generation that grew up seeing technology develop. Delgado's early interest in photography allowed her to play and explore with images. She found joy in the process of planning and creating an image.


Whether it's digital or film, Diana enjoyed letting her mind create compositions that she could translate with the use of a camera. She wants to contribute to the making of digital art by communicating her ideas through photography. Delgado's work focuses mainly on portraits but also shoots landscapes, architecture, documentary-style, and street photography. Delgado’s passion for fashion has allowed her to gain experience in working with models and building relationships. Diana Delgado's art is for people who have an interest in fashion and color. Delgado's pieces are for those who enjoy the simple aesthetic of a beautifully captured moment. 

"Photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them."

-Elliot Erwitt

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